Conceptualising The Region
Conceptualising The Region
G. Aloysius
Conceptualising the Region
The General Context: Nation-State in Theory & Practice
While most social scientists, at least of this part of the world, are pre-occupied with the evidently pervasive and apparently oppressive phenomenon of globalization of economies and knowledge-forms, the parallel and equally persistent processes of differentiation of cultures and fragmentation of consciousness are going relatively unnoticed……
The formation of the nation-state system across the globe from the late eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, in its conception had this idea that, individual and formally recognizable cultures, treated as so many corporate personalities ought to be conceded the right and power of determining their own present and future. In international practice, this idea was formulated and accepted as the doctrine of ‘self-determination.’………..
Region-sensitivity and regional expressions are certainly on the rise everywhere in today’s socio-political world. And its context invariably and unambiguously is the ever-widening gap between the promise and performance of the nation-state.