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Bhakti Radicalism

Bhakti Radicalism

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This study of Kabir and other radical sant-poets of the north, like any other study, is based on a particular perspective, with a practical framework, which can be stated in the following way: Privilege and discrimination, inherent in a hierarchical society, inevitably leads to social conflict which destroys the possibility of community consensus and cooperation...

Speech and sound are foul,
The Vedas are stained:
Impurity has perpetrated so many forms.
Learning, reading, recitation, the ancient books are all corrupt:
Knowledge, cheapened, mouthed for free, is dirty.
(Tr. Dharwadker 2003: 193)......

The sant-poets, thus, clothed their rebellion against injustice as obedience to God. Kabir says, whoever uses force commits a crime (Kabirajorkia so julumahai), and God will punish him severely. Their devotion was to a God who stirred up rebellion in the hearts of devotees. 

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